/*! \file gd32e23x_gpio.c \brief GPIO driver \version 2019-02-19, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32E23x */ /* Copyright (c) 2019, GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "gd32e23x_gpio.h" /*! \brief reset GPIO port \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_deinit(uint32_t gpio_periph) { switch(gpio_periph){ case GPIOA: /* reset GPIOA */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_GPIOARST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_GPIOARST); break; case GPIOB: /* reset GPIOB */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_GPIOBRST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_GPIOBRST); break; case GPIOC: /* reset GPIOC */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_GPIOCRST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_GPIOCRST); break; case GPIOF: /* reset GPIOF */ rcu_periph_reset_enable(RCU_GPIOFRST); rcu_periph_reset_disable(RCU_GPIOFRST); break; default: break; } } /*! \brief set GPIO mode \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] mode: gpio pin mode \arg GPIO_MODE_INPUT: input mode \arg GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT: output mode \arg GPIO_MODE_AF: alternate function mode \arg GPIO_MODE_ANALOG: analog mode \param[in] pull_up_down: gpio pin with pull-up or pull-down resistor \arg GPIO_PUPD_NONE: floating mode, no pull-up and pull-down resistors \arg GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP: with pull-up resistor \arg GPIO_PUPD_PULLDOWN:with pull-down resistor \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_mode_set(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t mode, uint32_t pull_up_down, uint32_t pin) { uint16_t i; uint32_t ctl, pupd; ctl = GPIO_CTL(gpio_periph); pupd = GPIO_PUD(gpio_periph); for(i = 0U;i < 16U;i++){ if((1U << i) & pin){ /* clear the specified pin mode bits */ ctl &= ~GPIO_MODE_MASK(i); /* set the specified pin mode bits */ ctl |= GPIO_MODE_SET(i, mode); /* clear the specified pin pupd bits */ pupd &= ~GPIO_PUPD_MASK(i); /* set the specified pin pupd bits */ pupd |= GPIO_PUPD_SET(i, pull_up_down); } } GPIO_CTL(gpio_periph) = ctl; GPIO_PUD(gpio_periph) = pupd; } /*! \brief set GPIO output type and speed \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] otype: gpio pin output mode \arg GPIO_OTYPE_PP: push pull mode \arg GPIO_OTYPE_OD: open drain mode \param[in] speed: gpio pin output max speed \arg GPIO_OSPEED_2MHZ: output max speed 2MHz \arg GPIO_OSPEED_10MHZ: output max speed 10MHz \arg GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ: output max speed 50MHz \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_output_options_set(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint8_t otype, uint32_t speed, uint32_t pin) { uint16_t i; uint32_t ospeed; if(GPIO_OTYPE_OD == otype){ GPIO_OMODE(gpio_periph) |= (uint32_t)pin; }else{ GPIO_OMODE(gpio_periph) &= (uint32_t)(~pin); } /* get the specified pin output speed bits value */ ospeed = GPIO_OSPD(gpio_periph); for(i = 0U;i < 16U;i++){ if((1U << i) & pin){ /* clear the specified pin output speed bits */ ospeed &= ~GPIO_OSPEED_MASK(i); /* set the specified pin output speed bits */ ospeed |= GPIO_OSPEED_SET(i,speed); } } GPIO_OSPD(gpio_periph) = ospeed; } /*! \brief set GPIO pin bit \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_bit_set(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t pin) { GPIO_BOP(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)pin; } /*! \brief reset GPIO pin bit \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_bit_reset(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t pin) { GPIO_BC(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)pin; } /*! \brief write data to the specified GPIO pin \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[in] bit_value: SET or RESET \arg RESET: clear the port pin \arg SET: set the port pin \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_bit_write(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t pin, bit_status bit_value) { if(RESET != bit_value){ GPIO_BOP(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)pin; }else{ GPIO_BC(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)pin; } } /*! \brief write data to the specified GPIO port \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] data: specify the value to be written to the port output control register \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_port_write(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint16_t data) { GPIO_OCTL(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)data; } /*! \brief get GPIO pin input status \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval SET or RESET */ FlagStatus gpio_input_bit_get(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t pin) { if((uint32_t)RESET != (GPIO_ISTAT(gpio_periph)&(pin))){ return SET; }else{ return RESET; } } /*! \brief get GPIO all pins input status \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[out] none \retval state of GPIO all pins */ uint16_t gpio_input_port_get(uint32_t gpio_periph) { return (uint16_t)GPIO_ISTAT(gpio_periph); } /*! \brief get GPIO pin output status \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval SET or RESET */ FlagStatus gpio_output_bit_get(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t pin) { if((uint32_t)RESET != (GPIO_OCTL(gpio_periph)&(pin))){ return SET; }else{ return RESET; } } /*! \brief get GPIO all pins output status \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[out] none \retval state of GPIO all pins */ uint16_t gpio_output_port_get(uint32_t gpio_periph) { return (uint16_t)GPIO_OCTL(gpio_periph); } /*! \brief set GPIO alternate function \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C) \param[in] alt_func_num: GPIO pin af function, please refer to specific device datasheet \arg GPIO_AF_0: TIMER13, TIMER14, TIMER16, SPI0, SPI1, I2S0, CK_OUT, USART0, I2C0, I2C1, SWDIO, SWCLK \arg GPIO_AF_1: USART0, USART1, TIMER2, TIMER14, I2C0, I2C1 \arg GPIO_AF_2: TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER15, TIMER16, I2S0 \arg GPIO_AF_3: I2C0, TIMER14 \arg GPIO_AF_4(port A,B only): USART1, I2C0, I2C1, TIMER13 \arg GPIO_AF_5(port A,B only): TIMER15, TIMER16, I2S0 \arg GPIO_AF_6(port A,B only): SPI1 \arg GPIO_AF_7(port A,B only): CMP \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_af_set(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t alt_func_num, uint32_t pin) { uint16_t i; uint32_t afrl, afrh; afrl = GPIO_AFSEL0(gpio_periph); afrh = GPIO_AFSEL1(gpio_periph); for(i = 0U;i < 8U;i++){ if((1U << i) & pin){ /* clear the specified pin alternate function bits */ afrl &= ~GPIO_AFR_MASK(i); afrl |= GPIO_AFR_SET(i,alt_func_num); } } for(i = 8U;i < 16U;i++){ if((1U << i) & pin){ /* clear the specified pin alternate function bits */ afrh &= ~GPIO_AFR_MASK(i - 8U); afrh |= GPIO_AFR_SET(i - 8U,alt_func_num); } } GPIO_AFSEL0(gpio_periph) = afrl; GPIO_AFSEL1(gpio_periph) = afrh; } /*! \brief lock GPIO pin bit \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B) \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_pin_lock(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t pin) { uint32_t lock = 0x00010000U; lock |= pin; /* lock key writing sequence: write 1->write 0->write 1->read 0->read 1 */ GPIO_LOCK(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)lock; GPIO_LOCK(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)pin; GPIO_LOCK(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)lock; lock = GPIO_LOCK(gpio_periph); lock = GPIO_LOCK(gpio_periph); } /*! \brief toggle GPIO pin status \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[in] pin: GPIO pin one or more parameters can be selected which are shown as below: \arg GPIO_PIN_x(x=0..15), GPIO_PIN_ALL \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_bit_toggle(uint32_t gpio_periph, uint32_t pin) { GPIO_TG(gpio_periph) = (uint32_t)pin; } /*! \brief toggle GPIO port status \param[in] gpio_periph: GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) only one parameter can be selected which is shown as below: \arg GPIOx(x = A,B,C,F) \param[out] none \retval none */ void gpio_port_toggle(uint32_t gpio_periph) { GPIO_TG(gpio_periph) = 0x0000FFFFU; }